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Some settings within nerdamer can be changed if needed to accommodate your current needs. Below is a table and a description of the settings which can be changes.
Setting Default Description
IMAGINARY: i Use this to set the letter used for imaginary numbers. For instance for using 'j' instead of 'i' for imaginary numbers
VALIDATION_REGEX new RegExp('^[a-z_'+ 'αAβBγΓδΔϵEζZηHθΘιI'+ 'κKλΛμMνNξΞoOπΠρPσΣ'+ 'τTυϒϕΦχXψΨωΩ][a-z\'+ 'd\_αAβBγΓδΔϵEζZηHθΘ'+ 'ιIκKλΛμMνNξΞoOπΠρPσ'+ 'ΣτTυϒϕΦχXψΨωΩ]*$','i') This regex is used to validate variables. Changes this to allow other characters to be used. Caution: this might break the library so proceed carefully.
PARSE2NUMBER false Forces evaluation to a number for functions and variables
SOLVE_RADIUS 1000 The distance around a suspected root within which nerdamer searches for a root numerically.
ROOTS_PER_SIDE 5 When numerically searching for roots nerdamer stops if either this number is satisfied or the distance is exceeded.
SYMBOLIC_MIN_MAX false The library returns a symbolic min or max e.g. min(sqrt(2), sqrt(3)) returns sqrt(2)
SOLUTIONS_AS_OBJECT false Set to true to have solutions returned as an object instead of an array when using nerdamer.solveEquations
USE_MULTICHARACTER_VARS true When this is set to false nerdamer will treat each letter as a variable so the input 'six' will be treated as 's*i*x'
integration_depth 10 When integrating nerdamer makes recursive calls. Nerdamer will stop searching for a solution after this many recursive calls. Be careful as setting this too high may result in poor preformance
Laplace_integration_depth 40 Because Laplace transforms typically need more room to calculate the transform, this number needs to be higher than integration_depth. It's strongly recommended to never set this number lower than 40.

Usage: nerdamer.set(setting, value)


setting setting The setting to be changed
VARIES value The value to set the setting to. Pass in an object for multiple settings.



nerdamer.set('PARSE2NUMBER', true);
var x = nerdamer('cos(9)+1');
nerdamer.set('IMAGINARY', 'j');
x = nerdamer('sqrt(-1)');
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